
The Goal Of Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment’s

The human spine is made of a complex network of vertebrae, discs, joints and muscle groups that allow the spine to twist, turn and bend. The spinal cord is also housed here, with major nerves running through the vertebral spaces to serve the rest of the body.

Unfortunately, this delicate combination of moving and non-moving parts can suffer from a variety of issues. Even minor subluxations or joint imbalances, can restrict joint motion and cause neck or back pain. Dislodged or herniated discs can press on nerve roots, causing neurological discomfort or weakness in the extremities as well as affecting your overall health. A misaligned spine can throw the rest of your body out of balance, resulting in chronic aches and pains.

Chiropractic spinal adjustments can help with these issues. Dr Abie employs manual or instrument assisted techniques to deliver small but focused forces to spinal components, repositioning them. We can relieve neurological symptoms, reduce muscular strain and help your neck and back move more freely by normalising your spinal alignment.