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Q & A

Will I feel and hear the “crack” of my bones?

Depending on the technique utilised, you can hear a popping or cracking sound when you are adjusted. Don’t worry, your bones aren’t fracturing. This noise is simply gas being released as the joint is moved. It sounds like you’re cracking your knuckles. There are a few adjustment alternatives that can be made if the cracking noise is still unsettling you. These alternatives don’t entail anything really being “cracked.”


Is Chiropractic Painful?

Simply put, no. Chiropractic adjustments typically don’t hurt. Naturally, the area will be sensitive if there is inflammation present, but we take extra precautions to make sure it is as comfortable as possible in those situations. The methods we employ will be specifically catered to your needs.


How many sessions will I require?

Since there is no one solution that applies to all patients, this is a very difficult subject to address. Considerations will be made for your current complaint, health, lifestyle choices and how well you have taken care of yourself over your life.

Some patients seek chiropractic care in order to swiftly relieve their pain. Normally, this doesn’t take too long. Many people use chiropractic as a part of their continuing wellbeing and as a defence against potential future harm. Maintaining health is considerably simpler and healthier for the body than trying to correct problems as they arise.

Dr Abie will provide you with a recommended treatment plan, but the length of time you wish to get the benefits of chiropractic care is entirely up to you.


Which is better for relieving pain during a flare-up, hot or cold compress?

A flare-up is typically fairly severe, and is usually defined by muscle spasms, inflammation (heat) odema and discomfort.  Therefore, we would advise a cold compress as it will reduce inflammation, tell the muscles to relax a little and numb the pain. It will also chill the hot area.

Heat application won’t hurt you, but it can make the inflammation worse. Although it might also help to a limited extent, with muscle relaxation, it typically cannot combat pain as effectively as cold.


Can chiropractic help me if I have osteoporosis or arthritis?

Osteoporosis occurs when the density of the bones reduces. A scan is usually necessary to identify this condition as it would not be visible on an x-ray unless the bone density has decreased by 30% or more. Numerous clients who have osteoporosis still benefit from having a spine that moves more freely; we may just need to modify our adjusting technique for them.

As arthritis is essentially joint wear and tear, many clients suffer with this painful condition. Symptoms typically become better or perhaps go away entirely when a damaged joint is given better function and movement. Chiropractic adjustments can help with this condition


Why do people visit their chiropractors even if they are not in pain?

Going to your chiropractor for treatment helps to maintain optimal performance of your spine and neurological system; similar to visiting the dentist or hygienist to have our teeth and gums checked on a regular basis to prevent deterioration and disease.  Pain is not a reliable sign of how well the neurological system is functioning since problems might develop before they manifest as pain, at which point we can most effectively assist you by taking a proactive rather than reactive approach.


Can chiropractic help me perform better in sports?

Some of the people who visit a chiropractic clinic most frequently are athletes and sports people. These athletes tend to be very “in tune” with their bodies and are acutely aware when something isn’t moving as it should, despite being extremely fit and functional.

Chiropractic care promotes the body’s and brain’s best possible communication, which raises the likelihood of proper muscle activation and endurance. In addition to the fact that a functional spine will enable symmetrical tone in the musculature through the spine and extremities, studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care can speed up muscle reaction time. This is crucial in sports, and people of all ages and abilities—not just athletes—often notice increases in their speed, coordination and strength.

Usain Bolt, Tiger Woods, Tom Brady, Rhonda Rousey, both Andy and Jamie Murray, are some well-known athletes who receive chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Petts Wood Q & A