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Hip & Knee Pain

Hip Pain

Hip Pain

A fall, strain, pinched nerve or general ageing can cause hip pain. Athletes, runners, mothers (childbirth is a stressful experience for the hips), people who have fallen, and those unfortunate to have been in car accidents are common situations where you might feel hip discomfort.

Leg Pain

A frequent cause of leg discomfort may be a bad fall or injury, walking incorrectly or having hip or leg injuries. Leg pain is infamous for occurring in conjunction with other injuries. For instance, someone who has untreated back pain may also develop pain in their leg. This can occur as the pressure on the nerve  in the back may induce pain somewhere else in the body (often in the leg) which we wrongly perceive as having a problem in the leg when the issue is with the back.

Foot Pain

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Foot pain or discomfort  can originate from Sciatica or could occur from injuries to your leg, hip, back, or even neck! Not only can a chiropractor identify what is wrong, but they can also identify the root cause and whether chiropractic care can be used to treat it. 


Dr Abie will undertake an assessment and identify the best course of action for hip, leg or foot pain. Discomfort is frequently brought on by a pinched nerve or an alignment issue. Your muscles, tissues, nerves and ligaments can be corrected by  Dr Abie  to help you recover and significantly reduce your pain.

The human body is a marvel of complexity. Chiropractic care can detect where the human body is out of balance, investigate trapped nerves and determine the source of pain; then recommend a course of treatment to alleviate the discomfort.