Many parents take their children for routine checkups to ensure their spine is in a good and healthy condition. A checkup is helpful after growth spurts, bumps and falls or after a lot of physical activity, and to assist with issues related to excessive screen time.
Dr Abie’s goal as a chiropractor is to keep your child’s body mobile and stress free, helping your child maintain internal health, which can help to promote a positive mental attitude.
How are children treated with chiropractic care?
Dr Abie’s techniques are adjusted specifically to each child’s needs, taking into account their size and weight. Adjustments can be quite gentle, specifically for the developing spinal structures of each child using hands, devices or pillow-like blocks.
Dr Abie’s treatment for infants and babies is extremely delicate and gentle consisting of small adjustments made with light finger pressure, similar to that used to judge a fruit’s maturity.