Disc Injury

Do You Have a Disc Injury?

Have you been told that you have a slipped disc or a disc injury?

Most slipped or injured discs, which range in severity, can be treated by a qualified chiropractor who can determine the best course of action. Numerous bones (vertebrae) that make up your spinal column are shielded from shocks by discs.

During routine activities such as walking, twisting and lifting, damage or weakness may herniate or expand through the outer layer of the disc, causing pain and discomfort from the inner portion of the disc. This may be brought on by the release of irritants from this damage or the compression of a nearby nerve due to injury. A prolapsed, herniated or slipped disc is the term used to describe this.  

A disc injury

The discs cushion the vertebrae in your spinal column and protect the bones by absorbing shocks from routine motions like walking, twisting and lifting.

Injury or disc weakness can cause a herniation or protrusion of the inner part through the outer layer of the discs.

Pain and discomfort may be brought on by both the irritant substances released from this and the compression of a nearby nerve. This is referred to as a “slipped, herniated or prolapsed disc.”

Disc herniation and degenerative discs have some similarities: – they both commonly show early indicators of deterioration. The risk of disc herniation rises as a result of numerous factors weakening the disc over time.

Poor disc health can be attributable to lifestyle choices such as:

– Smoking, inactivity, and poor nutrition.

– Poor posture, everyday wear and tear, trauma or injury

– Inappropriate lifting and twisting.

These put additional strain and stress on the disc when it is weak therefore it is more prone to herniation at this point.

If you have any questions about a disc injury, please give us a call.