Dry Needling

the basics of trigger points

A trigger point is a small area of muscle fibres that are tightly knotted. These knots form when a muscle contracts and then fails to relax. The ongoing muscle contraction pinches your nerves and blood vessels, in addition to causing a painful, hard knot.

These knots are frequently caused by:

Repeated muscle movements
Lifting heavy objects or weights
Direct harm
Inadequate posture
Muscle tension
Long-term stress

Though knotted muscles commonly occur while exercising, they can also develop as a result of a lack of exercise, prolonged sitting, or bed rest. Without exercise, your muscles become weaker and more prone to developing a trigger point


Four Reasons DRY NEEDLING is the perfect companion to your Chiropractic Adjustments

Dr Abie can Insert an acupuncture-style needle into the trigger point which relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow, reduces inflammation and initiates a healing response. This treatment also improves nerve communication and causes your body’s natural pain relievers to be released.

The activities sparked by dry needling have four advantages:

1. Fast pain relief

2. Improve your range of movement

3. Fast track your recovery

4. Help your chronic pain conditions