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Follow on sessions

Follow up Treatments 15min: £40.00

Focusing purely on your body, specifically your spine, muscles, joints, organ tissues, cranial & nervous system. To help your pain and stiffness heal as quickly as possible.

This treatment involves:

  • kinesiology assessment before & after treatment.
  • spinal adjustments. 
  • upper & lower limb adjustments. 
  • soft tissue organ massage.
  • cranial-sacral therapy.
  • dry needling.



This is the perfect treatment if you:


  • have pain your back, neck, jaw, headaches or any other joint or muscle pain n your body. As Chiropractors we work with any joint pain in the body.
  • feel a lack of energy, stressed and anxious.
  • feel stiff, tight, achy with reduced movement.
  • have pain and/or inflammation in an area of your body.
  • feel like your body is out of alignment/synch, and aware you have bad posture